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If you are looking for a personal coach, please contact me now for more information on how I can support you.

  • Confidence Coaching – it’s all about you! Confidence to think clearly – challenge those limiting beliefs.
  • Confidence to have your needs met – discover what they are
  • Confidence to enjoy the present – in order to create a brighter future
  • Confidence to shine and create the life you want and deserve

During your coaching experience you will get to grips with what confidence really is, uncover limiting beliefs or fears that have been holding you back, learn new skills and techniques (that you can do at home)  address fears and set goals that make you feel great.

Take action now! Make this the year that makes the difference.

“Pam is a kind of magician – she always knows which of her super creative tools will move me forward the quickest.”

Caroline Chapple

For general questions on how coaching works please look at the FAQ’s section.

Leadership and Business coaching makes the difference between performance and achievement. Successful leaders consider coaching to be one of the most important tools in achieving outstanding work and personal results. Corporate culture is on the change; today’s workforce spans four different generations with very different sets of values.   Increasingly, ‘older’ workers are finding themselves managed by a ‘younger’ generation and report experiencing stress, anxiety and uncertainty about their role within business.  This mix of different value groups can lead to poor or misunderstood communication as well as ineffective or challenged leadership.

Our aim is to provide training and coaching to assist your company in maximising staff’s potential, work satisfaction and communication with each other. However, by working with Pam, either as your personal coach or by bringing her in to deliver a training programme for you, you’ll find out how much easier it can be for you to take control and see the change you want happen.

Within the corporate and business arenas, Pam offers bespoke training programmes and 1-1 coaching and in order to deliver what your company requires, she also works with a collaborative team to maximise your staff’s potential, performance, confidence and work satisfaction. The coaches and trainers in her team have a diverse range of expertise in areas of leadership, well-being, confidence, business, values, company missions and communication.

If your company is looking to work with or develop any of these areas let us help you plan and achieve your future goals.

Contact us now to discuss your needs and to experience coaching  tools which are reliable, tried and tested, results driven and measurable.



by Pam Lidford on 20 Oct

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